Röstjärn is a choir in Stockholm that through singing and playing music from different parts of the world wants to contribute to an open and tolerant society. Our diverse cultural and music heritage is based on influences from near and far. Furthermore, it is much more fun and challenging to sing and play music from all over the world than just what is known to us.
On our repertoire we have folk music, jazz and pop songs from Haiti, Russia, Turkey, Iceland, Cap Verde e.t.c. that we mix with songs from Sweden. In 2016 we arranged a Romani music festival where we invited musicians, dancers and singers to extend the original Röstjärn choir.
Röstjärn has been linked to the preparatory vocational school, Skeppsholmens folkhögskola in Stockholm, and this is from where our name is originated. Except providing music education, the location on one of Stockholm’s central islands is a perfect place to learn the craftsmanship of building ships. A “röstjärn” is a type of bracket used to support the mast on a sailing ship. But we also like the translation “iron voices”.
Our director, Hans Rising, is educated at SMI (University College of Music Education in Stockholm) to guitar pedagogue and choir and ensemble director. Hans has conducted Röstjärn since the start in 2006, and still is, towards new adventures.
If you would like to book the choir for a concert or maybe even join Röstjärn and become one of us, please send an email to info@rostjarn.se